Why mastering the very basics of Photography is important.
Its Emma Holt here! Founder at Emotive Capture Photography School.
As most of you know I have been working with an amazing Charity 'Veterans in Communities' (VIC).
I have been running a 12 week Photography course for beginners, focusing on Composition & Connection.
I wanted the Course to be as inclusive as I possibly could, so even someone with a Mobile Phone could participate! :)
Its been going so well and everyone is enjoying really 'noticing things' and joining in with the fortnightly tasks I have been setting them.
For me though, Photography is more than just pressing a button on a Camera!
Its about CONNECTION...
©Emma Holt BA(Hons) Founder & Head Instructor. Taken from the body of work; Without you.
If you feel like your Images are missing something, or they just aren't standing out enough! There is a strong possibility YOU aren't making that connection with your Subject matter!
Connection and a really well thought out Composition is such a important part of Photography, although its so often missed!!!
Why? I hear you ask, perhaps its because individuals are just in a race to learn all the technical aspects...
They may have just purchased their first DSLR, or are looking to advance to the latest model and all their efforts are on learning correct exposure and getting off Automatic settings...by passing just getting a correctly balanced composition. Moving on to the technical side just so you can start repeating all the technical jargon you have heard, then feeling like you have made it as a Photographer, because you know the difference between your Aperture, Shutter speed and ISO.
When you do this, you are forgetting the fundamental basics of Photography, the fundamental basics of being CREATIVE...and the fundamental basics of having FUN! You are meant to enjoy your passion and your Hobby! I mean if you are not enjoying it than whats the point ?
©Emma Holt BA(Hons)
Image taken from the body of work titled;
Without you.
Haven't you chose to pick up a Camera because you actually want to explore your surroundings and capture what you 'SEE' and not have to be constantly worrying about all the technical side of it? But what about your Camera settings you ask. I hear you I really do, but before you even take a step up that ladder, dont you think you really need to just spend time and I mean lots of time, just enjoying being creative and learning all the very basics of composition? I am not saying that the technical side isn't important...it is! But it doesn't always mean the image will be any better. The technical side and learning how to correctly expose is important, but please dont let your creativity suffer...its not worth it! If you had two images side by side, one was technically perfect, but lacked a well thought out composition, creativity and connection. The other image, though not technically perfect, had great imagination, creativity and an eye catching composition....which one would look better? Which one would catch the eye of the viewer?
For me and I am sure for you too, the second image would win! A really creative composition that shows a connection with their surroundings and imagination is going to stand out for sure. Honestly...it will stand out a mile! But how on earth, do we get creative and connect with our surroundings? Ok, it comes with practise! Not just standing in the same spot with your Camera and holding it landscape. (So many people do this!) Move around with your Camera, take photographs from different perspectives and different angles. Please try and turn your Camera ‘PORTRAIT’ too! Spend time noticing everything around you!
I tell all my Students;
“its only when we 'LOOK' do we 'SEE'"
This quote has now stuck and is something that all my Students tell themselves. Connection is about taking you're time, as I say to all my Students;
Its about noticing everything around you!
Also think about your perspective, Instead of standing with your Camera, try sitting down or kneeling…better still lie on your stomach and take the photograph! How does it look? A different perspective will completely alter how you and your viewer sees the image, It can completely change a composition.
A correct composition is going to stand out too!
This means thinking about ‘The rule of thirds’ and negative space within a composition.
Looking for leading lines going into a composition, balance and framing. These all need consideration!
I even see many Professional photographers, get too bog downed with the technical stuff, for your imagery to stand out…YOU have to really connect with your surroundings!
So next time YOU are out with YOUR Camera, ask yourself this question…
”Do I notice everything?”
Because if you dont, then now is the time to change that and really connect and get creative!
If you do find yourself struggling then, you may want to join, my new on-line course for complete beginners or those looking to improve their composition skills, this will be available to join later in the year! And it really will take your understanding of connecting with your surroundings to the next level! I mean you will want to photograph everything! Because YOU will notice everything! If you would like to join our Wait list, so we can let you know as soon as we officially open it for Students, then please fill in the contact form.
Written by Emma Holt BA(Hons)
Founder & Head Instructor.